Friday, April 4, 2008

hi from singapore!!!

hey everyone!!

we're in singapore getting indonesian visas!  we'll fly out tomorrow morning to hit up the last leg of this journey.  new places, faces, language, food, culture...again, again.  i was just pondering with my friend ashley..."i'm not sure i've got it in me to do this all over again in a new country."  this morning during a team time of worship all my heart could muster up was "Lord, You are worthy of whatever i have left."  now talking with ashley i'm thinking, "oh jill, you're so dramatic..." haha has God ever left me high and dry?  we decided all it boiled down to was loving God and loving people day to day.  that's it.  Mother Theresa said, "Following Jesus is simple, but not easy.  Love until it hurts, and then love some more."  That's where i feel like i'm at.  i loved alot of people in india.  and then i loved some more people in africa, until it hurt.  until i cried.  until i didn't know what to do with myself.  and then we had to leave.  i had to leave my loves behind.  i still hurt.  " this is what it feels like to leave behind a love, or to be separated from a love.  my heart is heavy as i sit watching the African sun set behind the field of green grass and mud huts.  i'm tempted to listen to old school love songs and feel sory for myself.  the foxes have holes and the birds have nests, yet the Son of man has no where to lay His head..."  (journal entry from march 25, uganda after we left sudan)  So this is where i until it hurts, and then love some more....
i'll be back to updating with lots of pics as soon as we get settled in.  yea!  


~kristi said...

good word, jill!! I am glad you are having such an amazing time! Taking Acts 1:8 to heart girl!!