hello friends!
wow, it is hot here! i get a little jealous when i hear of how fall and winter are right around the corner in Texas. i'm not sure just how hot it is getting here, but i break a sweat just walking to the 7-11 for water right around the corner. haha...
nonetheless, we are all being challenged and stretched in a good way. last week was an amazing time of refreshing and fellowship during the University of the Nations conference that we attended. we heard from an array of speakers and attended some really amazing workshops. youth with a mission staff gathered from all over the world to encourage one another, pray, worship, and seek God's face. some days i felt overwhelmed at the task that lies ahead. so many people die daily without knowing the love of our precious Savior. Thousands of children die every single day from starvation and preventable diseases. Thousands of children and women are trafficked each day into prostitution and the sex industry. shouldn't people have a right to hear about Jesus? shouldn't children have the right to go to school and have a childhood? i guess if i feel that these people have a right, then i have a responsibility. my faith must be an active one, not a passive one. God has not called the church to maintain the status quo, but to bring transformation! "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 when we see injustice in the world, there should well up from within a holy discontent. Sex trafficking, abortion, people dying from preventable causes...unacceptable. regardless of age, sex, race, or social class each human being has inherent value. Do we value life? What is our response? I pray that we would shield the wind of passivity that creeps through our churches and actively combat these issues that grieve the heart of God. my prayer has been so often of late, "Lord align my heart with Yours."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke, 1770
"Our temptation is to look eagerly for the minimum that will be accepted." -C.S. Lewis
May we never find ourselves doing nothing or merely the minimum. Let us boldly push forward to fight for justice and kindness. Let us be peace-bringers! Let us be life-speakers! Let us be hope-givers! I pray that you would be the one to chase after God whole-heartedly even when all others choose to stay behind because the road is too steep or rocky or because it's uncharted territory...
on a lighter note we were able to get out of the city yesterday. several of us took a tourist tour of the country side. we did some amazing hiking, elephant riding, and bamboo rafting! we visited 2 different Thai hill tribes, which was interesting. i was reminded of how much i love the country...oh i miss it. this week we will finish up our lecture phase. wednesday we will be leaving for india!! we will be there for 3 months and will finally begin to volunteer in a hospital there! i'm excited to finally have the opportunity to put the things we've been learning into practice...
Friday, September 14, 2007
elephants, sweat, and antenatal care in thailand!
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10:32 PM
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There isn't a lot that can be said other than you are so right...Preach it Sister! :)
Bri shared your blog with me, and I am so glad she did. I will be praying for you!
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